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Employer referral

What we can consider

The types of concerns we can consider

The HCPC cannot investigate every concern about a HCPC-registered professional, only those where there appears to be a risk to the safety of service users, colleagues or the public, or that may undermine public confidence in the professions we regulate.

If you think a professional may not be fit to carry out their work because of their behaviour, their professional skills or their health you should refer this to us.

Our standards of conduct, performance and ethics set out the standards we set for all of the professionals on our register, stating in broad terms our expectations of their behaviour and conduct. You can view a copy of the standards of conduct, performance and ethics here

The types of issues that are likely to raise a concern about a registrant’s fitness to practise include, but are not limited to:

  • Dishonesty, fraud or abuse of trust or position, including not maintaining professional boundaries with a service user;
  • Exploitation of a vulnerable person;
  • Failure to act in the best interests of service users;
  • Serious breaches of a service user’s confidentiality or data protection requirements;
  • Committing reckless or deliberately harmful acts;
  • Hiding mistakes or blocking an investigation;
  • Serious or repeated failings in service user care;
  • Where a registrant’s performance in their role has harmed service users or put them at risk of harm;
  • Violence, sexual misconduct or indecent behaviour;
  • A caution or conviction for a criminal offence;
  • Health concerns that are not being managed and may affect the safety of service users or colleagues, including substance abuse or misuse;
  • An adverse finding by another regulatory body;
  • Fraudulent or incorrect entry onto the HCPC Register;
  • Other serious actions or behaviours which affect public confidence in the profession

These types of issues should be referred to us regardless of the outcome of any disciplinary, performance or other process.

Is your referral one that we can consider?
What does not need to be referred
When to make a referral
What information we need
Referral form
Page updated on: 12/02/2025