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Helping employees to maintain records of their learning

Registrants are required to keep a personal record of their CPD activity, in the way that is most convenient to them. 

If they are selected for audit, we will be interested in the CPD they have done over the previous two years with supporting evidence. 

If they have kept a good record, they will be able to supply this more easily.

Recording little and often

You can help your employees to think about CPD differently, as they might find they are undertaking CPD multiple times a day without realising it.

These instances can be recorded little and often, without needing to set aside large chunks of time, and can become second nature.

Format of CPD records

As an employer, you might want to support your employees by recommending a format for their CPD records.

This is their personal record, and they can keep it in whatever way is most convenient for them. We don’t require a specific format.

They could choose to keep a binder or folder including documents – such as certificates and notes – relating to their CPD, or they might keep this record electronically.

There are online tools available which they can use, however we do not endorse any and they do not guarantee success in our audits.

CPD profiles should not be stored in the workplace - this is to ensure that the registrant can access them regardless of their current place of employment. 

Page updated on: 14/08/2024