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Search results for care act 2014

Showing 346 to 360 of 473 results

Customer service policy

View our policy for customer service in this section

Registrant health and wellbeing strategy

We want to exhibit empathy in all our interactions, demonstrate fairness in all that we do, and cultivate professionalism through a supportive, transparent and collaborative approach

Returning to Practice: My Journey - Rachael Harrison

Rachael is an Occupational Therapist with over 23 years of experience. She returned to practice in 2023 after a career break.

Supporting professionals return to practice

Guidance on how employers can encourage and support those wanting to return to practice

Reporting concerns or information about a provider or programme

How to report concerns or information about a provider or programme

An employer's perspective - Strategies for effectively supporting CPD (Northern Ireland Ambulance Service)

Jonny Noble, Head of Professional Practice for the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS), shares his insight into supporting CPD effectively in a team.


The benefits of supervision - an employer’s perspective

The British Psychological Society's Dr Noreen Tehrani looks at the different types of supervision from an employer's perspective - including the different benefits that employers stand to gain and tips to ensure its success.

Preceptorship – supporting registrants, employers and the sector to deliver better healthcare

The consultation on preceptorship sets out our ambition to construct a set of principles that can support registrants, employers and the wider sector in delivering better healthcare by ensuring healthcare professionals are better supported at key points in their careers.

Vaccinations: what you need to know

This page provides information for registrants and answers some frequently asked questions.

COVID-19 and your scope of practice

The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic

Engaging with the public about what they do via social media

Case study: Simon is a dietitian. He has recently been considering new ways of engaging with his service users and members of the public

Profession specific information

Details of professional bodies who have produced profession specific guidance or information on preceptorship or related work.
