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HCPC updates standards of proficiency

The HCPC has updated its standards of proficiency for the first time since 2015. The crucial changes have been made following an extensive period of engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, to seek views and develop standards in line with current professional practice.

Commonly asked record-keeping questions, answered

Katherine Timms, Head of Policy and Standards at the HCPC, answers the most common questions we receive from registrants about record keeping

Our work

Our corporate plan sets out the important development work we want to achieve to progress our strategy


We publish a range of reports including our annual reports and accounts, and our annual fitness to practise and education reports

Glossary of terms

The following terms are defined in the context of preceptorship.

The standards of proficiency for orthoptists

The standards of proficiency that orthoptists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

The standards of proficiency for chiropodists / podiatrists

The standards of proficiency that chiropodists / podiatrists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

Student competition

Each year we run a competition for students on HCPC-approved programmes, which focuses on a theme relating to our standards. 

The standards of proficiency for clinical scientists

The standards of proficiency that clinical scientists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

Communicating during the COVID-19 pandemic

The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic

Professional Liaison Service

The HCPC Professional Liaison Service was established in 2020 following a decision to invest in more upstream regulation. Upstream regulation describes an approach to regulation that is focussed on prevention, partnership and support.
