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Search results for the care act 2014

Showing 496 to 510 of 569 results

Understanding Public Protection

This report explores public and professional views and understandings of public protection

Webinar: reporting concerns about safety

#MyHCPCStandards​ webinar series: Standard 7 - reporting concerns about safety

Annual report and accounts 2008-09

Our annual report highlights how we are engaging with stakeholders to better understand how we can prevent fitness to practise cases.

Annual report and accounts 2011-12

Our annual report highlights how we are engaging with stakeholders to better understand how we can prevent fitness to practise cases.

How to raise a concern

This document tells you what to do if you want to raise a concern about one of our registrants.

Whistleblowing disclosures report 2019

This report shows a shared approach across professional regulators to reporting and acting on whistleblowing disclosures

Employer insight: Supporting employees health and wellbeing during a pandemic

We spoke to North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) to ask how they have supported their employees’ health and wellbeing this year. 

My COVID-19 Story - Luke McAndrew

Luke McAndrew is a recent graduate and newly qualified paramedic.

Level of supervision

Case study: Ameena is a registered Band 7 Physiotherapist at an NHS Trust. Ameena has recently been asked by her employer to supervise Marianne, who has recently qualified as a Band 5 physiotherapist.
