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Showing 721 to 735 of 1042 results

Orthoptist CPD audit (2023)

A total of 30 orthoptists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2021-2023 renewal cycle.

Radiographer CPD audit (2022)

A total of 777 radiographers were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2020-2022 renewal cycle.

Arts therapist CPD audit (2022)

A total of 104 arts therapists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2020-2022 renewal cycle.

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Speech and language therapist CPD audit (2021)

A total of 384 speech and language therapists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2019-2021 renewal cycle.

Occupational therapist CPD audit (2021)

A total of 951 occupational therapists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2019-2021 renewal cycle.

Be visible, engaged and informed

Aim: We regulate, take and communicate decisions which are informed by a deep understanding of the environment within which our registrants, employers and education providers operate

Build a resilient, healthy, capable and sustainable organisation

Aim: Employees feel valued and supported, and fully able to contribute. The organisation is resilient and able to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment
