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Showing 781 to 795 of 919 results

Completing a CPD profile

What you'll need to include in your CPD profile, and how to submit it

What, when and how to refer an employee to us

If your concern about your employee raises a question about their fitness to practise, you should refer this to us

Being selected for audit

When CPD audits happen and what you'll need to do if selected

Appealing a decision

Information on your right to appeal a decision and how to do so. 

Raising concerns

Step-by-step process on how to raise a concern

Our expectations for your record keeping

This page covers what you should record, in what format and when. It also covers how records should be stored.

What information is confidential?

Information about a service user can be ‘identifiable’ or ‘anonymised’, by identifiable information we mean any information you hold about a service user that could identify them, you must treat this information as confidential
