Showing 1 to 15 of 3084 results
Principles for preceptorship
Helping health and care professionals through career transitions
Previous editions
Find previous editions of our Partner newsletter
Maintaining approval
What we need from providers to maintain their programme's approval through our performance review process.
Gaining approval
Information about the process for approving your education programme, including threshold levels and relevant proficiency standards.
Planning a new programme
Important information for education providers planning to run a new programme
Concerns about the fitness to practise of learners
Information about what to do if you have concerns about the fitness to practise of learners.
Using data and intelligence
Learn how we use data and intelligence to inform our assessment of the performance of institutions and programmes.
Involving service users
How we involve service users in our assessment activities.
Assessing and quantifying risk
We use a risk model which allows us to be consistent in the application of our standards and processes.
Undertaking quality assurance activities
When we assess institutions or programmes through our processes, we develop themes and questions to explore with education providers.
Communication and using social media
Our standards require registrants to communicate appropriately and effectively
Support and guidance relating to how health and care professionals handle information about service users
Supervision, leadership and culture
Working in partnership with colleagues, effective supervision and leadership are integral to the delivery of healthcare
Person-centred care
As a health and care professional, you must promote and protect the interests of service users and carers
Reflective practice
Support for, information about and examples of reflecting on your practice