Showing 2776 to 2790 of 3084 results
Consultation on the draft Corporate Strategy
We are seeking views from all our stakeholders on this draft vision, and the other key components which make up our draft corporate strategy
Annual report and accounts 2018–19
The Annual report and accounts 2018–19 provides information about the HCPC’s work during the year and our plans for the future
Whistleblowing disclosures report 2019
This report shows a shared approach across professional regulators to reporting and acting on whistleblowing disclosures
The Indicative Sanctions Policy - the Public's View
Exploring the public’s view on the principles that under-pin the Indicative Sanctions Policy, specifically focusing on general public views towards it
Fitness to practise annual report 2018
This report provides information about the HCPC’s work in considering allegations about the fitness to practise of HCPC registrants.
Welsh Language Scheme annual report 2018
How we continue to implement steps to make sure we treat English and Welsh equally when communicating with the public in Wales
Education annual report 2016-17
This report reflects on another year of progress in which we approved a diverse range of programmes delivered by a broad range of providers
Annual report and accounts 2016–17
Our annual report highlights how we are engaging with stakeholders to better understand how we can prevent fitness to practise cases.
Education annual report 2016
This annual report contains statistical information, analysis on sector developments, key trends and their causes