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Showing 106 to 120 of 1489 results

Sale, supply and administration

Local arrangements can be made to allow health and care professionals who are not prescribers to supply or administer medicines

HCPC supports recommendations to amend medical entitlements of six HCPC professions

Today, the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) responded to NHS England’s consultations around proposals to amend the medical entitlements of six HCPC professions.

HCPC Council approves future fee increase proposals

This increase of £6.98 per annum means the HCPC will still have among the lowest registrant fees of all the professional health and care regulators.

Fitness to Practise concerns relating to sexual misconduct 2023-24

This report provides an assessment of concerns raised with us about the health and care professionals we regulate, which related to sexual misconduct and criminal matters or conduct of a sexual nature.

Employer insight: Moving to the UK to practice and the challenges of finding employment

Doreen is a physiotherapist working in an intermediate care team, and speaks about the steps one Recruiting Manager took that made a real difference

Council welcomes three new members

The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Rebekah Eglinton, Steven Vaughan, and Professor Valerie Webster to the Council.

#myhcpcstandards: Equality, diversity and inclusion

In this webinar we will explore the updated standards' requirement that registrants provide appropriate and non-discriminatory care to all their service users. 

My Story - Rachel Karanja

In celebration of Black History Month Rachel shares some inspiring words of what she has learned and experienced as a black health and care professional in the UK.

Our work on improving sexual safety

We are working to help improve the sexual safety of service users, those working within health and social care, and the students and learners on HCPC approved programmes.

At the heart of healthcare: AHPs Day 2024

Written by a multi-professional team of AHPs, this blog shines a light on the remarkable impact that AHPs have on the delivery of care, and how the HCPC standards fit into their work.

Joint letter on how we’re supporting professionals this winter

Read our joint letter with NHS England, the Care Quality Commission, the General Medical Council, the CNO for England, the General Pharmaceutical Council and the Nursing and Midwifery Council on how we’re supporting professionals this winter.

HCPC response to consultation on medical entitlements for physiotherapists

Health and Care Professions Council response to NHS England’s consultation on proposed amendments to the list of controlled drugs that physiotherapists can independently prescribe across the United Kingdom

Sexual safety hub

Raising awareness of the impact of sexual misconduct, and helping to improve the sexual safety of service users, those working within health and social care, and the students and learners on our approved education programmes.

HCPC response to consultation on patient group directions for clinical scientists

The Health and Care Professions Council response to NHS England’s consultation on the proposal for the supply and administration of medicines using patient group directions for clinical scientists across the United Kingdom. 
