Showing 46 to 60 of 135 results
Consultation on HCPC registration fees
We are consulting on proposals to increase our registration fees. If adopted, the changes would be effective from 1 October 2019 and existing registrants would pay the new renewal fee when their profession next renews its registration.
MyStandards workshop and live stream
Learn more about the HCPC standards and how to apply them to your everyday practice
Consultation on Standards for prescribing
We are consulting on proposed changes to the Standards for prescribing.
Consultation on Standards of conduct, performance and ethics
We are seeking feedback on proposed changes to the Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for each of the 15 professions we regulate.
Meet the HCPC, Plymouth
Meet the HCPC (Plymouth) is a chance to hear about our recent work, ask us questions and share ideas
#myhcpcstandards: Reflective Practice
This webinar will explore the benefits regular reflection can have on your practice and share examples of some of the ways you can achieve reflective practice.
Meet the HCPC, Hull
Meet the HCPC (Hull) is a chance to hear about our recent work, ask us questions and share ideas
Meet the HCPC, Barnsley
Meet the HCPC (Barnsley) is a chance to hear about our recent work, ask us questions and share ideas
#myhcpcstandards: Leadership
In this webinar we will explore the role and importance of leadership at all levels of practice for HCPC registrants.