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Search results for hearings

Showing 106 to 120 of 138 results

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How to check the Register to find a professional, and what the results mean

Return to practice: a win-win for employers and professionals

Speech and language therapist Debbie Halden shares her experience supporting a former registrant return to practice

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Using Multiple Registrant Search (MRS)

Dishonesty – fraud

Case study: An employer raised concerns about an operating department practitioner’s (ODP) conviction of fraud. For this conviction, she was sentenced to 18-months imprisonment and suspended for 24 months.

Failure to conduct a full / accurate assessment

Case study: An employer raised concerns about a psychologist who did not report a service user’s suicidal thoughts to their supervisor or any other professionals. This was despite it happening repeatedly and after recording a case note.

Concerns about employees

If a concern is raised about an employee, we may ask you for information as their employer or manager

Attending meetings

Council, committee and public liaison group meetings are public so anyone can attend
