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Cyflawni ein safonau

Canllawiau a deunyddiau dysgu ynghylch rhoi ein safonau ar waith a chefnogi proffesiynoldeb

Cysylltwch â ni

Sut mae cysylltu â ni


Er mwyn parhau i fod wedi cofrestru gyda ni, mae'n rhaid i unigolion cofrestredig barhau i gyrraedd y safonau a bennwyd gennym ar gyfer pob proffesiwn. Defnyddir y safonau hyn i benderfynu ar 'addasrwydd i ymarfer' cofrestreion.


Popeth y mae angen ichi ei wybod am ymuno, adnewyddu a gadael Cofrestr y Cyngor Proffesiynau Iechyd a Gofal

What to expect from us

We recognise that the fitness to practise process can be a stressful experience so we try to make our process as open and clear as possible

What our investigation would involve

If we decide that a concern is within our remit at the triage stage, we will carry out an initial investigation

Claiming back tax

Did you know you may be able to claim back tax on your renewal fees?

Professional liaison groups

A professional liaison group (or ‘PLG’) provides advice to the Council or committees on strategic issues. Either the Council, or a committee can decide to set up a PLG, to look at a specific issue and report back.

CPD evidence

How you might supply evidence of what you've undertaken
