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HCPTS website updates

We have recently made a few changes to the HCPTS website to improve the information and support provided to registrants

Did you know our standards are online?

You can easily access our standards from anywhere in a new responsive and print-friendly online format

Reclassification of Gabapentin and Pregabalin

From midnight on 1st April 2019, gabapentin and pregabalin will be reclassified as Schedule 3 controlled drugs, under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations (2001), and Class C of the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971)

We have launched our new whistleblowing policy

Our new whistleblowing policy provides guidance on what to do if you have a concern about wrongdoing in the public interest.

Registrant snapshot - April 2019

Registrant statistics by profession, application route and gender

Protected function

Regulation for hearing aid dispensers will be on the basis of protecting a professional title and also a protected function.

Case studies on making self referrals

Explore common scenarios where a registrant may need to consider making a self-referral
