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Registrant snapshot - 1 December 2021

View and download registrant statistics by profession, gender and application route

Registrants by profession and gender

Profession F M Unknown Total
AS 4,441 695 5 5,141
BS 16,771 7,377 21 24,169
CH 9,442 3,092 14 12,548
CS 4,089 2,541 4 6,634
DT 9,878 720 41 10,639
HAD 1,979 1,566 6 3,551
ODP 9,510 5,359 64 14,933
OR 1,298 154 7 1,459
OT 37,092 3,324 37 40,453
PA 13,522 18,323 28 31,873
PH 44,719 16,376 37 61,132
PO 600 481 17 1,098
PYL 21,259 4,630 27 25,916
RA 28,525 10,432 37 38,994
SL 16,562 550 13 17,125
Total 219,687 75,620 358 295,665

Profession by application type

Profession GP EMR INTL UK Total
AS 23 48 103 4967 5141
BS 125 821 2296 20927 24169
CH 1743 97 107 10601 12548
CS 356 152 267 5859 6634
DT -- 312 1023 9304 10639
HAD -- 49 96 3406 3551
ODP 19 24 83 14807 14933
OR -- 15 4 1440 1459
OT 2 523 2142 37786 40453
PA 119 372 1120 30262 31873
PH 228 2879 6843 51182 61132
PO -- 21 54 1023 1098
PYL 438 629 766 24083 25916
RA 1 1467 5416 32110 38994
SL 69 193 707 16156 17125
Total 3,123 7,602 21,027 263,913 295,665


Profession POM A POM S IP SP PS ME
CH 10478 6451 515 576 88 --
DT -- -- -- 181 -- --
OR -- 17 -- -- -- 425
PA -- -- 1162 1132 -- --
PH -- -- 1640 1728 -- --
RA -- -- 175 196 -- --
Total 10,478 6,468 3,492 3,813 88 425



  • AS = Art Therapists
  • BS = Biomedical Scientists
  • CH = Chiropodist/Podiatrists
  • CS = Clinical Scientists
  • DT = Dietitians
  • HAD = Hearing Aid Dispensers
  • ODP = Operating Department Practitioners
  • OR = Orthoptists
  • OT = Occupational Therapists
  • PA = Paramedics
  • PH = Physiotherapists
  • PO = Prosthetist/Orthotists
  • PYL = Practitioner Psychologists
  • RA = Radiographers
  • SL = Speech & Language Therapists


  • F = Female
  • M = Male
  • U = Unknown

Application route

  • UK = UK route to application
  • INTL = International route to application
  • EMR = European Mutual Recognition
  • GP = Grandparenting route to application


  • POM A = Prescription only medicines - administration
  • POM S = Prescription only medicines - sale / supply
  • IP = Independent Prescribing
  • SP = Supplementary Prescribing
  • PS = Podiatric Surgery
  • ME = Medical exemption


Registrant data
Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 05/05/2022