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Registrant snapshot - 1 November 2021

View and download registrant statistics by profession, gender and application route

Registrants by profession and gender

Profession F M Unknown Total
AS 4,399 690 4 5,093
BS 17,054 7,483 22 24,559
CH 9,442 3,093 14 12,549
CS 3,997 2,490 4 6,491
DT 9,794 712 41 10,547
HAD 1,961 1,559 6 3,526
ODP 9,440 5,324 64 14,828
OR 1,293 154 6 1,453
OT 38,280 3,418 39 41,737
PA 13,402 18,230 27 31,659
PH 44,563 16,250 35 60,848
PO 598 474 17 1,089
PYL 21,070 4,590 24 25,684
RA 28,454 10,370 33 38,857
SL 16,333 543 13 16,889
Total 220,080 75,380 349 295,809

Profession by application type

Profession GP EMR INTL UK Total
AS 23 48 102 4920 5093
BS 130 846 2301 21282 24559
CH 1749 96 105 10599 12549
CS 355 150 260 5726 6491
DT -- 310 1015 9222 10547
HAD -- 49 90 3387 3526
ODP 19 23 77 14709 14828
OR -- 15 3 1435 1453
OT 2 563 2334 38838 41737
PA 119 372 1093 30075 31659
PH 229 2867 6738 51014 60848
PO -- 21 53 1015 1089
PYL 437 623 753 23871 25684
RA 1 1463 5309 32084 38857
SL 66 191 689 15943 16889
Total 3130 7637 20922 264120 295809


Profession POM A POM S IP SP PS ME
CH 10472 6445 510 572 88 --
DT -- -- -- 179 -- --
OR -- 3 -- -- -- 355
PA -- -- 1107 1078 -- --
PH -- -- 1602 1690 -- --
RA -- -- 172 192 -- --
Total 10472 6448 3391 3711 88 355



  • AS = Art Therapists
  • BS = Biomedical Scientists
  • CH = Chiropodist/Podiatrists
  • CS = Clinical Scientists
  • DT = Dietitians
  • HAD = Hearing Aid Dispensers
  • ODP = Operating Department Practitioners
  • OR = Orthoptists
  • OT = Occupational Therapists
  • PA = Paramedics
  • PH = Physiotherapists
  • PO = Prosthetist/Orthotists
  • PYL = Practitioner Psychologists
  • RA = Radiographers
  • SL = Speech & Language Therapists


  • F = Female
  • M = Male
  • U = Unknown

Application route

  • UK = UK route to application
  • INTL = International route to application
  • EMR = European Mutual Recognition
  • GP = Grandparenting route to application


  • POM A = Prescription only medicines - administration
  • POM S = Prescription only medicines - sale / supply
  • IP = Independent Prescribing
  • SP = Supplementary Prescribing
  • PS = Podiatric Surgery
  • ME = Medical exemption


Registrant data
Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 19/04/2022