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Health issues that need to be declared

This information is for current registrants and applicants, covering health issues and when they require a self-referral or declaration

When we talk about ‘health’, we mean any health condition which may affect either an applicant or a registrant’s fitness to practise; that is, their ability to practise safely and effectively.

When on the Register, we expect registrants to monitor their health and ensure they maintain their fitness to practise.

The standards of conduct, performance, and ethics say:

You must take responsibility for assessing whether changes to your physical and/or mental health will detrimentally impact your ability to practise safely and effectively. If you are unsure about your ability to do so, ask an appropriate health and care professional to make an assessment on your behalf. (6.3)

You must adjust your practice if your physical and/or mental health will detrimentally impact your ability to practise safely and effectively. These adjustments must promote safe and effective practice. Where it is not possible to make these adjustments within your scope of practice, you must stop practising. (6.4)

If you're a registrant or applicant, you should tell us about your health condition if it affects your ability to practise safely and effectively. You should also tell us if you are not sure whether your health condition affects (or could affect) your ability to practise, or what steps you need to take to stay safe and effective. 

You do not need to tell us if your health condition does not affect your practice or if you are sure you can adapt, limit or stop your practice as needed to remain safe and effective. In other words, if you can meet standard 6.3, you do not need to tell us.

While each registrant is responsible for ensuring their own fitness to practise and managing risk, the HCPC expects registrants to seek appropriate healthcare advice when they have health concerns and to follow the advice of medical professionals.

This applies for conditions that affect your physical health as well as your mental health.

If you are unsure about whether your health impacts your fitness to practise after you have sought appropriate healthcare advice, you should approach the HCPC.

Health conditions and assessing risk

This flow chart shows a simplified process of assessing whether a registrant meets standard 6.3 and if they need to make a declaration to the HCPC. Each individual’s risk assessment will look different based on their role and their health condition and if you are unsure about your health condition’s impact on your ability to practise safely, declare it to the HCPC.

04082021-Does your health condition impact your ability to practise safely-v3.jpg

Tudalen wedi'i diweddaru ymlaen: 01/09/2024