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Canlyniadau chwilio am registration certificate

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CPD information for employers

CPD is not required from employers, but it is from their employees

Health, disability and becoming a health and care professional

Guidance aimed at disabled people who are interested in becoming health and care professionals

Continuously improve and innovate

Aim: To improve our performance against PSA standards of good regulation and to innovate across all our regulatory functions to provide an enhanced user experience

Creating an online application

Create an account, sign in and create a new application to get started

What the updated standards of proficiency mean for students

A summary of what current students will need to do to ensure they meet the updated standards of proficiency, which come into effect 1 September 2023.

Planning a new programme

Important information for education providers planning to run a new programme

Data policy and terms

HCPC's data policy, including details about the information we hold about registrants, plus the terms and conditions for our website

Orthoptist CPD audit (2021)

A total of 34 orthoptists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2019-2021 renewal cycle.

Prosthetist/orthotist CPD audit (2019)

A total of 28 prosthetists/orthotists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2017-2019 renewal cycle. 

Clinical scientist CPD audit (2019)

A total of 156 clinical scientists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2017-2019 renewal cycle. 

Operating department practitioner CPD audit (2020)

A total of 363 operating department practitioners were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2018-2020 renewal cycle. 
