Yn dangos 166 i 180 o 948 canlyniadau
Are you eligible?
Before you apply through the UK route, please make sure that you are eligible
Education annual data set: 2018-19 academic year
Snapshot of outcomes related to the HCPC’s education function for the 2018-19 academic year
Before we begin
The first page you’ll see is the ‘Before we begin’ page
Dishonesty by falsifying time sheet and travel expense claims
Case study: The NHS Counter Fraud Unit of the local NHS Trust raised concerns about a physiotherapist. On numerous occasions, the registrant submitted timesheets and claimed payments for hours they did not work.
Council appointments
The Council consists of six registrant members, drawn from the professions regulated by HCPC, and six lay members, drawn from a variety of walks of life
How to submit a deferral request
See the step-by-step guidance below of how to submit deferral request
Brexit - Information for professionals
Information on the changes to our registration processes from 1 January 2021 and how they might impact the members of HCPC's professions
Registration FAQs
Some of the questions we most frequently get asked by registrants
Standards of proficiency
Supporting your employees in understanding and meeting the revised standards of proficiency
An opportunity to join our Council and help keep patients and service users safe
As we enter the final year of our current Corporate Strategy, the HCPC is looking to recruit four new members of our Council: one registrant member and up to three lay members.
Why your registration matters
Our primary purpose is to protect the public, but there are benefits to being a regulated profession
Professional bodies for paramedics
Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.
Professional bodies for arts therapists
Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.
Transfer of regulation to Social Work England
Important information for social workers in England regarding the transfer of regulation to Social Work England including FAQs
Professional bodies for physiotherapists
Professional bodies typically promote the profession, represent their members and provide curriculum frameworks, training and CPD.