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Position statement: Taking part in industrial action

If you are an HCPC registrant taking part in industrial action, the behaviours set out in our standards of conduct, performance and ethics still apply

Do you have safety concerns?

As an HCPC-registered practitioner, one of your responsibilities is to be alert to public safety risks, breaches of legislation and wrongdoing

Join the conversation on #myHCPCstandards, #HCPCregistered and #myHCPCcpd on social media

Keep up to date with the latest news and information relating to our standards, your registration and your CPD

Join our latest #myhcpcstandards webinars - look in-depth at the updated standards of proficiency

#myhcpcstandards is a programme of webinars designed to support registrants in achieving and embedding HCPC’s standards in their practice.

One week until the HCPC updated standards of proficiency come into effect

There's just one week until 1 September 2023, when the updated HCPC standards of proficiency come into effect. We encourage all registrants to ensure they understand the updates and are ready to integrate them as far as they relate to their scope of practice. 

Our requirements of programmes meeting the revised standards of education and training

Last summer, we asked all pre-registration programmes to plan how they would meet the revised standards of education and training (SETs). From the 2018–19 academic year, we will assess whether your programme has met these standards via our annual monitoring process.

Join our #myhcpcstandards webinars – learn about the updated standards of proficiency

We recently released updates to our standards of proficiency, which come into effect on 1 September 2023.

Tell us what you think about the Partner Portal with our short survey

Have your say on our Partner Portal. Has it helped you? What could we do differently? Your feedback will help us improve
