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Canlyniadau chwilio am care act 2014

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Preceptorship for registrants working outside the NHS, including as sole practitioners

We recognise that many HCPC registrants are employed or work outside the NHS structures, where preceptorship is less well known and may be more difficult to access.

HCPC Diversity Data 2021 factsheets

Our factsheets provides the key EDI information by profession and how the demographics of each group compare to the demographics of HCPC registrants overall

Resources on record keeping

We have listed the main resources that we signpost registrants to, when they have a question about record keeping

Scope of practice

Including medical entitlements, prescribing and advanced practice

Our expectations for your record keeping

This page covers what you should record, in what format and when. It also covers how records should be stored.


How to join, maintain and renew your HCPC registration

Professional Liaison Service

The HCPC Professional Liaison Service was established in 2020 following a decision to invest in more upstream regulation. Upstream regulation describes an approach to regulation that is focussed on prevention, partnership and support.

Managing risk: infection prevention and control

The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic

Toolbox or tickbox: how should you use our standards?

What’s the best way to use our standards of conduct, performance and ethics in practice?
