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Gender and ethnicity pay gap reports 2020

The data for both these reports are from the snapshot date of 5 April in the preceding year (2020).

Gender and ethnicity pay gap reports 2021

The data for both these reports is from the snapshot date of 5 April in the preceding year (2021).

Standards of conduct, performance and ethics - service user and carer consultation

In July 2006 we decided to review the standards so that we could make sure that they continued to be fit for purpose and that they conformed to the expectations of the public, registrants and other stakeholders.

International registration application assessment - Plagiarism policy and guidance

This policy sets out the HCPC’s approach to checking applications for plagiarism as part of the international registration process.

Step 1 - Log into your online account

You log in using the email address and password that you set up during the activation process

#myHCPCstandards: ‘Send to all!’ Challenges and opportunities of social media

In this webinar, we'll look at the revisions to the HCPC social media guidance that accompanies the standards of conduct, performance and ethics. This is one of two sessions covering the same topic.


We have emphasised the role and importance of leadership at all levels of practice. This is one theme within the key changes to the updated standards of proficiency for all professions.

Education data set (2021)

This data primarily relates to the application of the previous (or legacy) model, which was discontinued at the end of the 2020-21 academic year, and replaced by the new model.

This report provides highlights from the data set produced, focusing on time and quality wherever possible.

#myHCPCstandards webinar - standard 1

Promote and protect the interest of service users and carers - standard 1 of the standards of conduct, performance and ethics.


What to do if your application to the Register has been refused
