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Canlyniadau chwilio am care

Yn dangos 331 i 345 o 1421 canlyniadau

Be visible, engaged and informed

Aim: We regulate, take and communicate decisions which are informed by a deep understanding of the environment within which our registrants, employers and education providers operate

HCPC response to PSA Performance Review

HCPC welcomes recognition of progress on key areas of activity and sets out plan for further improvement

Reviewing the standards of conduct, performance and ethics

We regularly review the SCPEs to make sure they are relevant to current practice, that they incorporate EDI commitments and that they can be clearly understood by those who use them.

Engaging with the public about what they do via social media

Case study: Simon is a dietitian. He has recently been considering new ways of engaging with his service users and members of the public

Working with professional bodies

How we work with professional bodies when assessing programmes

Commonly asked record-keeping questions, answered

Katherine Timms, Head of Policy and Standards at the HCPC, answers the most common questions we receive from registrants about record keeping

Our work

Our corporate plan sets out the important development work we want to achieve to progress our strategy


We publish a range of reports including our annual reports and accounts, and our annual fitness to practise and education reports
