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COVID-19 Temporary Register

We have worked with the UK Government to create a COVID-19 temporary register of former registrants

Get involved

Find details of our consultations and recruitment opportunities for partner and council roles

Employer newsletter

Subscribe for updates on developments that affect your employees and help you to help them meet their regulatory obligations – and yours

Using our standards to support employee development

You will want to support your employees to meet their professional requirements

Managing concerns about an employee

As an employer or manager, you will manage any concerns about your employees’ performance or behaviour

Additional entitlements

We have powers to mark or 'annotate' the Register to show where a registrant has additional entitlements because they have completed additional training in a particular area of practice.

Insights and data

Data and statistics on our regulatory work, including information on fitness to practise, registration and education processes

Registration renewals

This section contains information on renewing your registration, including how to complete your renewal online

Change of name

You can use your online account to request that your name is changed on the HCPC Register

Standards in practice: how to report concerns about safety

Taking action when you have concerns is an important part of professional practice, but sometimes it’s difficult to know how to raise concerns appropriately.

Supporting innovation in practice-based learning part II

Blog by Head of Education Brendon Edmonds exploring the use of simulation, another key area of interest in relation to practice based learning (part 2).
