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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

Yn dangos 481 i 495 o 916 canlyniadau

Disclosing information with consent

In most cases, you will need to make sure you have consent from the service user before you disclose or share any identifiable information

Resources on record keeping

We have listed the main resources that we signpost registrants to, when they have a question about record keeping

Rhaglenni wedi’u cymeradwyo

Rydym yn dal cofrestr o’r holl raglenni wedi’u cymeradwyo sy’n bodloni’n Safonau ar gyfer y proffesiynau rydyn ni’n eu rheoleiddio.

Guidance on conduct and ethics for students

Understand how our standards apply to you as a student or learner

Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion

We are committed to attracting, developing and motivating talented people from diverse backgrounds at every level.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Changes align with amendments made to the standards of proficiency in our recent review to strengthen our commitment to EDI.

Registration assessors

Registration assessors assess applications from health professionals who are eligible to apply via the international, EMR or grandparenting application routes

Practitioner psychologist CPD audit (2021)

A total of 566 practitioner psychologists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2019-2021 renewal cycle.

Paramedic CPD audit (2021)

A total of 649 paramedics were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2019-2021 renewal cycle.
