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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

Yn dangos 481 i 495 o 1878 canlyniadau

Consolidated Constitution Order 2009

Incorporating revocations and amendments made up to 1st January 2021

FAQs on record keeping

We get many questions about record keeping from registrants. This page runs through the most common questions and signposts to other sources of advice

Consultation on the revised Indicative Sanctions Policy

The Indicative Sanctions Policy sets out what principles Practice Committee Panels should consider when deciding what, if any, sanction should be applied to fitness to practise cases

Flowchart: the fitness to practise investigations process

If a concern is raised or referral is made about a HCPC-registered professional, our fitness to practice investigations process will begin. This flowchart summarises the steps. 

Driving under the influence of alcohol

Case study: A podiatrist self-referred following a conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol.
