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Canlyniadau chwilio am care

Yn dangos 46 i 60 o 778 canlyniadau

Standards of conduct, performance and ethics

These standards set out, in general terms, how we expect our registrants to behave. We will use them if someone raises a concern about a registrant’s practice, and for decisions about the character of professionals who apply to our Register.

Duty of candour

Our changes set out a process for registrants to follow when things go wrong which better aligns with our guidance.


The rules and orders that underpin our organisation

What information is confidential?

Information about a service user can be ‘identifiable’ or ‘anonymised’, by identifiable information we mean any information you hold about a service user that could identify them, you must treat this information as confidential

Use of cookies

Information about the cookies we use and what we use them for
