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Access your HCPC payment receipt

You can use your online account to download a list of the payments you've made to us since October 2020.

Professional liaison groups

A professional liaison group (or ‘PLG’) provides advice to the Council or committees on strategic issues. Either the Council, or a committee can decide to set up a PLG, to look at a specific issue and report back.

UK-wide Professional Liaison Service

The Professional Liaison Service now operates with a Consultant in each of the four UK nations, who can design and deliver solutions that are specific to registrant and employer needs. 

Scope of practice

Including medical entitlements, prescribing and advanced practice


We publish a range of reports including our annual reports and accounts, and our annual fitness to practise and education reports

Watch: Employer webinar - English language proficiency review and revising the standards of conduct, performance and ethics

This is a recording of an in-depth webinar designed for employers and managers of HCPC registrants, looking at the upcoming changes to the HCPC standards of conduct, performance and ethics and social media guidance, and English language proficiency review consultation. 
