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COVID-19 Temporary Register

We have worked with the UK Government to create a COVID-19 temporary register of former registrants

New threshold for paramedic registration

In 2018, we raised the level of qualification for paramedics’ registration. Previously paramedics needed to achieve ‘Equivalent to Certificate of Higher Education’ to become registered. Currently they need to achieve ’Bachelor degree with honours’.

Diversity data: operating department practitioners - March 2023

This factsheet provides key EDI information for operating department practitioners and how the demographics of this group compare to the demographics of HCPC registrants overall

Diversity data: hearing aid dispensers - March 2023

This factsheet provides key EDI information for hearing aid dispensers and how the demographics of this group compare to the demographics of HCPC registrants overall

Diversity data: speech and language therapists - November 2023

This factsheet provides key EDI information for speech and language therapists and how the demographics of this group compare to the demographics of HCPC registrants overall

Diversity data: prosthetists / orthotists - November 2023

This factsheet provides key EDI information for prosthetists / orthotists and how the demographics of this group compare to the demographics of HCPC registrants overall

Wellbeing resources

We signpost you to some of the resources that exist to help you maintain your wellbeing and good mental health during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Professional liaison groups

A professional liaison group (or ‘PLG’) provides advice to the Council or committees on strategic issues. Either the Council, or a committee can decide to set up a PLG, to look at a specific issue and report back.

Fitness to practise annual report 2019

The Fitness to practise annual report highlights key statistics and insights and explains how we protect the public and ensure our registrants meet our standards

Visiting European professionals

European professionals can sign a declaration to provide temporary and occasional services in the UK

Historical programmes

You can apply to join the Register if you have completed a programme that was historically approved by our predecessor, the Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine (CPSM)
