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Standards of conduct, performance and ethics - Connect review

This consultation sought to enable people living with aphasia and their carers to be meaningfully involved in evaluating the standards of conduct, performance and ethics set by HCPC and to provide feedback, based on their own experiences, which may inform changes to the standards.

Standards of conduct, performance and ethics - service user and carer consultation

In July 2006 we decided to review the standards so that we could make sure that they continued to be fit for purpose and that they conformed to the expectations of the public, registrants and other stakeholders.

Standards of conduct, performance and ethics - accessibility and understanding

This research focuses on registrants and service users with the remit to explore their views on the content and accessibility of the standards.

Fitness to practise annual report 2012

This report provides information about the HPC’s work in considering allegations about the fitness to practise of HPC registrants.

Service user involvement in the design and delivery of education and training programmes leading to registration with the Health Professions Council

This research aims to examine available evidence regarding the use and impact of service user feedback tools in healthcare, and explore the views of people within relevant professional bodies.

Welsh language standards

How we deliver services to Welsh speaking members of the public
