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Occupational therapist CPD audit (2019)

A total of 1001 occupational therapists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2017-2019 renewal cycle.

Biomedical scientist CPD audit (2019)

A total of 585 biomedical scientists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2017-2019 renewal cycle. 

Radiographer CPD audit (2020)

A total of 899 radiographers were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2018-2020 renewal cycle.

Orthoptist CPD audit (2019)

A total of 37 orthoptists were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2017-2019 renewal cycle. 

Paramedic CPD audit (2019)

A total of 695 paramedics were asked to present their CPD profile for the previous 2017-2019 renewal cycle. 

FAQs on record keeping

We get many questions about record keeping from registrants. This page runs through the most common questions and signposts to other sources of advice

Developing resilience as a student

Resilience is our capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and to adapt in the face of challenging circumstances

HCPC joins healthcare regulators to publish latest whistleblowing report

The HCPC, in collaboration with seven other professional healthcare regulators, has published an annual report on whistleblowing disclosures.

Able to offer support?

Some of our registrants have been in touch saying they are now in a position to help the NHS and want to know how to offer support

Updated standards of proficiency: now in effect

It is now every registrant’s responsibility to meet the updated standards, as far as they relate to their scope of practice.

Consultation on HCPC registration fees

We are consulting on proposals to increase our registration fees. If adopted, the changes would be effective from 1 October 2019 and existing registrants would pay the new renewal fee when their profession next renews its registration.

Professional indemnity and your registration

Understanding what this means for you as a registrant or applicant to to the Register

Confidentiality and accountability

You need to make informed and reasonable decisions about your own practice to make sure that you always respect and protect the confidentiality of service users

Employer webinar - English language proficiency review and revising the standards of conduct, performance and ethics

An online session for employers or managers of HCPC registrants, looking at the HCPC's English language proficiency review and revising the standards of conduct, performance and ethics.
