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Health, disability and becoming a health and care professional

This document gives you more information about disabled people joining the professions that we regulate.

Supporting employees to renew their registration

Our registrants need to renew their registration every two years, and if they don't they may be removed from the Register

Standards in practice: being open when things go wrong

The duty of candour is important for anyone working in health and care, but what does it mean in practice?

Working with our stakeholders

See how we work with stakeholders, which underpins the functioning of the model

NHS England Prescribing and Support Assurance Framework

NHS England, in collaboration with stakeholders across the UK including HCPC, has developed a framework to demonstrate the resources, governance measures, considerations and responsibilities in place to ensure and assure safe prescribing.

What to expect from us

We recognise that the fitness to practise process can be a stressful experience so we try to make our process as open and clear as possible

Professional bodies

These organisations do work which may include promoting the profession, representing members, curriculum frameworks, post registration education and training and continuing professional development.

Employer insight: Supporting transgender employees in the workplace - Top Tips

NHS Lothian (NHSL) developed a number of initiatives to support Transgender employees at work, including Top tips for employees and employers

Disclosing information with consent

In most cases, you will need to make sure you have consent from the service user before you disclose or share any identifiable information

FAQs on record keeping

We get many questions about record keeping from registrants. This page runs through the most common questions and signposts to other sources of advice

What activities count as CPD?

Hear from registrants on the activities they find most rewarding, and which can count towards CPD

Primary Care and Public Health 2018

The UK's leading event for GPs, federations, CCGs, nurses, midwifes, AHPs and managers working in health

HCPC response to Government Equalities Office consultation on banning conversion therapy in England and Wales

View our response to the Government Equalities Office consultation on banning conversion therapy in England and Wales.
