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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

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#myHCPCstandards webinar - standard 2

Communicate appropriately and effectively - this is standard 2 of the standards of conduct, performance and ethics.

Remote consultations webinar

Join us to explore the benefits and challenges of remote consultations and how to continue communicating effectively.

Short readmission

This short readmission process is for registrants who lapse and are rejoining the Register within one month

Continuing professional development (CPD)

This section provides information about the CPD audit process, and provides guidance on meeting our CPD standards

CPD Assessors

CPD Assessors are current HCPC registrants who assess registrant CPD profiles against the HCPC’s standards

How to fill out the returning to practice form

We have set out some top tips to help applicants complete the returning to practice form as easily as possible

Reviewing the way we work – improving your experience

We introduced our quality assurance model in September 2021. In replacing our previous model, we aimed for the HCPC’s Education function to be flexible, intelligent and data-led in our risk-based quality assurance of education providers.  

Winners of the HCPC student competition 2023 announced

Find out who won the HCPC student competition 2023, which asked students to design a learning session about health and wellbeing. 
