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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

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Service user involvement in the design and delivery of education and training programmes leading to registration with the Health Professions Council

This research aims to examine available evidence regarding the use and impact of service user feedback tools in healthcare, and explore the views of people within relevant professional bodies.

Additional entitlements

We have powers to mark or 'annotate' the Register to show where a registrant has additional entitlements because they have completed additional training in a particular area of practice.

Fitness to practise data 2019-20

Key facts and figures of our work in protecting the public and promoting professionalism

Our new Education Quality assurance model – our reflections six months in

Updates on our quality assurance model and reflections on the achievements and challenges. 

Operating department practitioner renewals - window closing soon

The deadline for operating department practitioners to complete their registration renewal is fast approaching

Orthoptists and paramedics renewals - window closing soon

The deadline for Orthoptists and paramedics to complete their registration renewal is fast approaching

Council apprenticeship

More information about the Council apprenticeship scheme including profiles of current HCPC Council Apprentices.

Meet our Partners

Meet our Partners and find out more about their roles with the HCPC
