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Year in Registration survey 2023 - highlights report

This paper presents highlights from our year in registration survey 2022 (formerly known as the new graduate survey), which seeks the views of those who have been HCPC-registered for a year about their education and training programme, how this prepared them to practice, and the first year in employment. 

Revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics - supporting registered professionals

With the publication of the revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics (‘the standards’) coming soon, you are no doubt wondering what you can do to support your HCPC registrants with embedding them into everyday practice. We're here to help! 

Equality, diversity and inclusion

We have significantly expanded the role of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), placing specific importance on making sure that practice is inclusive for all service users. This is one theme within the key changes to the updated standards of proficiency for all professions. 

Registrants’ mental health

We have emphasised the importance of registrants looking after their own mental health and seeking help where necessary as a part of maintaining their fitness to practise. This is one theme within the key changes to the updated standards of proficiency for all professions. 

COVID-19: Information for registrants

We are encouraging registrants to keep up-to-date with all information and guidance

Company and business names

Applying for non-objection when using protected titles in company names

Standards for prescribing

Our expectations of education providers delivering training in prescribing and of professionals on our Register who prescribe

Registrants breakdown - April 2018

Gender breakdown of occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech and language therapists in 2016.

Welsh Language Scheme Annual Monitoring Report 2021-22

How we continue to implement steps to make sure we treat English and Welsh equally when communicating with the public in Wales.

Whistleblowing disclosures report 2020

Our aim in this report is to be transparent about how we handle disclosures, highlight the action taken about these issues, and to improve collaboration across the health sector.
