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Our standards for CPD

All registrants must meet five standards for continuing professional development

Health declaration investigations process

Information on how we consider health declarations and establish whether individuals can practise safely and effectively.

Applying for HCPC registration?

Registration Manager Sammuel Yemane highlights what you need to do to avoid having your application returned as incomplete

Health issues that need to be declared

Information for applicants and registrants on which health issues need to be declared to us, and why. 

Reflection and meeting your standards

Information on how reflection and reviewing practice is vital for meeting all of your standards

Health, disability and becoming a health and care professional

Guidance aimed at disabled people who are interested in becoming health and care professionals

Maintaining approval

What we need from providers to maintain their programme's approval through our performance review process.

Controlled drugs

Controlled drugs are subject to additional legal controls as they carry a higher risk of being misused or causing harm

Key characteristics of effective supervision

We recently commissioned Newcastle University to undertake research into what makes clinical and peer supervision effective

Keeping up-to-date with government COVID-19 advice

We are encouraging regisitrants to keep up-to-date with all information and guidance

Supervision case studies and templates

This section includes case studies and templates to demonstrate how to approach supervision effectively
