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Additional entitlements

We have powers to mark or 'annotate' the Register to show where a registrant has additional entitlements because they have completed additional training in a particular area of practice.

Roles in Fitness to Practise

Fitness to Practise investigate complaints regarding a registrant’s fitness to practise and conducted hearings through the Tribunal Service when required

Our requirements if you are returning to practice

Our return to practice requirements are flexible, minimum requirements. They aim to protect the public by making sure you have up-to-date knowledge and skills.

Visitors will need to provide pre-visit feedback

Under our revised approval process, visitors will be required to provide feedback in a structured way, noting broad areas of concern, within two weeks of receiving the documentary submission

#myhcpcstandards: Supervision

In this webinar we will explore supervision and its important role in supporting the professional and personal development of registrants and improving patient care.

Revisions to our standards of education and training

Guidance about our revised standard, which came into effect in September 2017. We are currently undertaking a rolling review of how programmes meet the revised standards.

HCPC response to the GPhC's consultation on managing concerns about pharmacy professionals

Health and Care Professions Council response to the General Pharmaceutical Council’s consultation on managing concerns about pharmacy professionals: our strategy for change.

Threshold policy for fitness to practise investigations

This policy sets out the HCPC’s approach to investigating fitness to practise concerns and outlines our investigation process

Education and Training panels

Education and Training panels review visitors' reports on approval and monitoring of education and training programmes. Panel members are drawn from the Education and Training Committee

Update on our registration fees

Your concerns, arguments, and views about the impact of HCPC’s proposed fee rise have prompted us to re-think our approach.


Our standards form the foundation for how we regulate, explaining what we expect of our registrants and education and training programmes. 

Partner roles

There are a wide range of different partner roles that provide the expertise we need for our decision making processes.

Naidex 2019

Naidex is Europe's most established trade, professional and public event dedicated to the care, rehabilitation and lifestyle of people with disabilities or impairment.
