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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

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Toolbox or tickbox: how should you use our standards?

What’s the best way to use our standards of conduct, performance and ethics in practice?

MyStandards workshop and live stream

Learn more about the HCPC standards and how to apply them to your everyday practice

Webinar: promote and protect the interest of service users and carers

#MyHCPCStandards​ webinar: Standard 1 - promote and protect the interest of service users and carers

Council Meeting - 26 May 2022

Please note that item 6 will be published once the meeting has been held.  

Cookies used on our website

Information about the cookies used on our website and how to review your preferences and consent.

Cookies used on our other online systems

Information about the Cookies that we use on our other online registration systems and services.

Which professions do HCPC regulate?

The 15 professions we regulate have one or more designated titles that are protected by law

Reviewing the standards of conduct, performance and ethics

We regularly review the SCPEs to make sure they are relevant to current practice, that they incorporate EDI commitments and that they can be clearly understood by those who use them.

Supporting your employee through the fitness to practise process

We understand that employers and managers often want to provide guidance and support to employees who are going through the fitness to practise process
