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Position statement: Taking part in industrial action

If you are an HCPC registrant taking part in industrial action, the behaviours set out in our standards of conduct, performance and ethics still apply

Christmas and New Year 2021: Service availability and how to contact us

Information about the areas operating urgent support, and how you can contact us if your query falls into one of these.

Returning to practice

This document is for health and care professionals who are not registered, and who need to apply for readmission to the Register

What you need to do for annual monitoring 2019–20

This year we're asking you to provide extra evidence to show how your programme has monitored practice-based learning and the involvement of service users and carers

Returning to practice

Information about the process you need to complete if you are returning to practice after a break of more than two years

Programme capacity

With various initiatives across the four UK nations, we have seen (and expect to see further) increases in the total number of learners within professions, nations, and regions. We have noted an impact on practice-based learning, education provider resources, and innovations in delivery models due to these initiatives.

Changing profile of education provision

The profile of education and training is changing, with a wider variety of pre-registration education and training programmes approved by HCPC. This includes a broader range of qualification levels, and a significant increase in the number of apprenticeship programmes in England.
