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Tell us what you think about the Partner Portal with our short survey

Have your say on our Partner Portal. Has it helped you? What could we do differently? Your feedback will help us improve

Employer Insights webinar - Are you really listening?

A 45-minute session looking at employers' responsibilities around raised concerns, including the importance of listening to them, barriers around them and how to overcome those barriers. We'll also look at effective approaches to acting upon raised concerns.

Top tips for completing your CPD profile if you’re selected for audit

We've compiled a list of top tips to help make the CPD auditing process as smooth as possible.

August Bank Holiday 2022 - Service availability and how to contact us

Information about the areas operating urgent support, and how you can contact us if your query falls into one of these.

Consultation on changes to fees webinar (UK-wide session)

Join this session to hear from us directly about our current consultation on changes to fees, with the opportunity to ask questions and offer your thoughts

Sole practitioners' group

Case study: Carl is a podiatrist working in independent practise. He is a sole practitioner and has run his business for 10 years

Professional liaison groups

A professional liaison group (or ‘PLG’) provides advice to the Council or committees on strategic issues. Either the Council, or a committee can decide to set up a PLG, to look at a specific issue and report back.

We have launched our new whistleblowing policy

Our new whistleblowing policy provides guidance on what to do if you have a concern about wrongdoing in the public interest.

Keeping information safe

You need to take all reasonable steps to protect information about service users. By ‘reasonable steps’, we mean that you need to take sensible, practical measures to make sure that you keep the information safe.

Interprofessional education

Interprofessional education is an important area to the HCPC, to ensure learners are properly prepared for practice. We have identified good practice and challenges with education provider approaches to embedding and delivering interprofessional education.

The fitness to practise process - Information for employers and managers

This document provides information to employers or managers of our registrants.
