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COVID-19 advice for students

We have opened a temporary register for final year students who have completed their placement learning

Watch: Employer webinar - English language proficiency review and revising the standards of conduct, performance and ethics

This is a recording of an in-depth webinar designed for employers and managers of HCPC registrants, looking at the upcoming changes to the HCPC standards of conduct, performance and ethics and social media guidance, and English language proficiency review consultation. 

HCPC updates standards of proficiency

The HCPC has updated its standards of proficiency for the first time since 2015. The crucial changes have been made following an extensive period of engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, to seek views and develop standards in line with current professional practice.

#myhcpcstandards webinar: Duty of candour

Being open and honest when things go wrong can be very challenging. In this webinar we will explore the duty of candour requirements across the UK, some of the challenges in meeting these requirements and how to overcome them.
