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What do you need to do to record your CPD activities?

Continuous, up to date, accurate: here are our requirements for your CPD record

Documents you need to prepare and certify

Before applying, prepare and certify your documents to avoid delays to your application

Performance review requirements 2023-24 - what to expect

We emailed education providers due their performance review in 2023-24 in late June. Providers who will undergo the process this year (2023-24) will have been given specific requirements and a key contact to work with at the HCPC.

How and why we review the standards

We regularly review the the standards of conduct, performance and ethics to make sure they are relevant to current practice.

Join our #myHCPCstandards webinars – learn about the revised standards conduct, perfomance and ethics

We are hosting six new #myHCPCstandards webinars designed to support registrants with the revisions to the standards of conduct, performance and ethics and accompanying social media guidance.

Employer Insights webinar - Are you really listening?

A 45-minute session looking at employers' responsibilities around raised concerns, including the importance of listening to them, barriers around them and how to overcome those barriers. We'll also look at effective approaches to acting upon raised concerns.

What equality, diversity and inclusion means to us

We intend that everybody should be equally able to access our services and be treated fairly and supported when doing so

Preparation for practice: The role of the HCPC's standards of education and training in ensuring that newly qualified professionals are fit to practise

The overall aim of this project is to explore ‘preparation for practice’ of newly qualified professionals who have completed pre-registration education and training programmes approved by the HCPC. Evidence gained from this project will inform and assist the HCPC in decision-making regarding the SETs (and supporting guidance) required when preparing newly qualified professionals to be fit to practise.
