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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

Yn dangos 1306 i 1320 o 1878 canlyniadau

Supporting professionals return to practice

Guidance on how employers can encourage and support those wanting to return to practice

My story - Helen Gough

To help celebrate International Podiatry Day and AHPs Day, Helen gives us an insight into her profession and what it means to be a podiatrist. 

Standards for podiatric surgery

Our expectations of education providers delivering training in podiatric surgery and of chiropodists / podiatrists who complete this training

Our guidance on confidentiality

How to ensure you meet our standards when handling information about service users

Scope of practice

Including medical entitlements, prescribing and advanced practice

Beth yw’r HCPC?

Rydym wedi cynhyrchu animeiddiad i egluro sut rydym yn gweithredu a sut mae’r HCPC o fudd i’r rhai sy’n cofrestru yn ogystal ag i ddefnyddwyr y gwasanaethau
