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Brexit - Information for professionals
Information on the changes to our registration processes from 1 January 2021 and how they might impact the members of HCPC's professions
Paying your scrutiny fee
Your application won't be submitted until this payment is made
Develop insight and exert influence
Aim: Learning from data and research to inform our decision making and share insights to protect, promote and maintain the health, safety and well-being of the public
Launch of consultation on English language proficiency
We have launched a consultation on our English language proficiency requirements which will run from Monday 16 October 2023 to Friday 19 January 2024.
Consultation on English language proficiency
We are reviewing our English language proficiency requirements and have launched a consultation which will run from Monday 16 October 2023 to Friday19 January 2024.
UK-Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein Free Trade Agreement (FTA) applications
Applicants who trained or practised in either Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein are eligible to apply via this route.
Section 5 – English language proficiency
People on the HCPC’s Register must be able to communicate effectively in English in order to meet our standards of proficiency
Before we begin
The first page you’ll see is the ‘Before we begin’ page
Updated standards of proficiency: now in effect
It is now every registrant’s responsibility to meet the updated standards, as far as they relate to their scope of practice.
My Story - Barira Saad (South Asian Heritage Month 2023)
To mark South Asian Heritage Month 2023, Barira Saad shares her thoughts on how her South Asian heritage impacts her work.
Promoting the value of regulation
Aim: The public, registrants, students and employers understand the value and importance of regulated health and care professionals
Jordan McKenna
Council Apprentice