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Resources on record keeping

We have listed the main resources that we signpost registrants to, when they have a question about record keeping

The standards of proficiency for prosthetists / orthotists

The standards of proficiency that prosthetists / orthotists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

The standards of proficiency for biomedical scientists

The standards of proficiency that biomedical scientists must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 

My COVID-19 story - Gillian Reeley

Gillian Reeley is a HCPC registered occupational therapist working for Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, NHS Grampian.

Our expectations for your record keeping

This page covers what you should record, in what format and when. It also covers how records should be stored.

Vaccinations: what you need to know

This page provides information for registrants and answers some frequently asked questions.


Recruitment relating to roles at the HCPC

Scope of practice

Including medical entitlements, prescribing and advanced practice

Can I do that? Thinking through your scope of practice

Our guidance says you should use your “professional judgement” to come to decisions about what is and is not within your scope of practice (the limit of your skills, knowledge and experience). But what does this “professional judgement” look like in practice?

Engaging with the public about what they do via social media

Case study: Simon is a dietitian. He has recently been considering new ways of engaging with his service users and members of the public

Balancing service user need during a pandemic

The factors to consider in applying our standards during the COVID-19 pandemic

Be visible, engaged and informed

Aim: We regulate, take and communicate decisions which are informed by a deep understanding of the environment within which our registrants, employers and education providers operate

The standards of proficiency for dietitians

The standards of proficiency that dietitians must meet in order to join, and remain on, the HCPC Register. 
