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Learning hub

The Learning hub is the HCPC’s Learning Management System which we use to provide online training to our Partners.

#myHCPCtandards webinar - standard 3

Work within the limits of your knowledge and skills - standard 3 of the standards of conduct, performance and ethics.

Webinar: Revised standards of conduct, performance and ethics

An online session for current students, focusing on the forthcoming updates to the HCPC standards of conduct, performance and ethics.

Reflecting on your practice and its emotional impact with Schwartz rounds

In 2019, we commissioned the University of Surrey to produce a film evidencing the process and benefits of Schwartz rounds.

Applicants with health condition

A look at the responsibilities of, and resources for, education providers concerned about the impact of a student's health condition on their ability to practice.

Council appointments

The Council consists of six registrant members, drawn from the professions regulated by HCPC, and six lay members, drawn from a variety of walks of life

Data policy and terms

HCPC's data policy, including details about the information we hold about registrants, plus the terms and conditions for our website

Changes to the level of qualification for entry to the Register for paramedics

Information about this change, including how it will affect existing paramedic programmes

Protected function

Regulation for hearing aid dispensers will be on the basis of protecting a professional title and also a protected function.

Fitness to practise data 2019-20

Key facts and figures of our work in protecting the public and promoting professionalism

Ensuring your CPD is effective and relevant

Your CPD activities should be beneficial to you and enhance the service you provide

How do I know my renewal is complete?

You will receive email confirmation once your record on the Register has been updated

What happens after making a declaration?

About the investigation process, which begins after a declaration is made. 
