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Canlyniadau chwilio am registration

Yn dangos 346 i 360 o 584 canlyniadau

Registrant snapshot - 2 October 2023

Total number of registrants for the main HCPC Register, broken down by profession (2 October 2023).

Registrant snapshot - 2 November 2023

Total number of registrants for the main HCPC Register, broken down by profession (2 November 2023).

CPD information for employers

CPD is not required from employers, but it is from their employees

Health, disability and becoming a health and care professional

Guidance aimed at disabled people who are interested in becoming health and care professionals

Deciding whether learners are fit to practise

Our standards of education and training require you to ensure only those that complete programmes are fit to practise. Therefore, you must not qualify an individual that you would not be confident becoming a registrant.

Planning a new programme

Important information for education providers planning to run a new programme

What the updated standards of proficiency mean for students

A summary of what current students will need to do to ensure they meet the updated standards of proficiency, which come into effect 1 September 2023.

Our services during the period of National Mourning

During the period of National Mourning, the HCPC’s core regulatory work will continue. Our offices will be closed on Monday 19 September 2022 for the national Bank Holiday for the Queen’s State Funeral.
