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Regulating in the next phase – COVID-19

The pandemic required us to quickly adapt how we operated as a regulator. We intend to build on this agility to ensure we deliver effective public protection through lean and intelligent regulation.

The two criteria for choosing CPD

Continuing professional development (CPD) should improve your work and have a positive impact for your service users

Protected function

Regulation for hearing aid dispensers will be on the basis of protecting a professional title and also a protected function.

Registration Appeals Panel Members

Registration Appeals Panel Members consider and determine appeals regarding admittance to the register, renewal and removal from the register

Applicants with health condition

A look at the responsibilities of, and resources for, education providers concerned about the impact of a student's health condition on their ability to practice.

When something goes wrong, openness is in everybody’s best interests

Vince Clarke, paramedic and senior lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire, discusses the challenges you may face when something goes wrong

#myHCPCtandards webinar - standard 3

Work within the limits of your knowledge and skills - standard 3 of the standards of conduct, performance and ethics.

Conversion therapy ban – what registrants need to know

The HCPC has responded in support of the Government Equalities Office (GEO) consultation proposing a ban on practices known as conversion therapy in England and Wales.

#myhcpcstandards: Maintaining fitness to practise

In this webinar we will explore the requirement to the requirement to look after your own health and wellbeing, ensuring you are fit to practise.

Fitness To Practise Annual Report 2020-21

Our Fitness to practise report highlights key insights from the year, explains how we protect the public and shows how we help registrants meet our standards

#myhcpcstandards: Service user engagement

In this webinar we will explore the updated standards' focus on further centralising the service user, and how to integrate these changes into your practice. 

Retention rates of first time HCPC registrants, 2013 to 2018

This report contains the HCPC’s first scientific assessment of the time new HCPC registrants stayed registered for

Diversity data: practitioner psychologists - July 2023

This factsheet provides key EDI information for practitioner psychologists and how the demographics of this group compare to the demographics of HCPC registrants overall
