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Canlyniadau chwilio am the care act 2014

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Supervision, leadership and culture

Working in partnership with colleagues, effective supervision and leadership are integral to the delivery of healthcare

Our approach to temporary registration

We have worked with the UK Government to create a COVID-19 temporary register, of two parts

Finding time for CPD

Registrants from Kings College London and the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh explain how they find time for CPD

Why your registration matters

Our primary purpose is to protect the public, but there are benefits to being a regulated profession

Education annual reports

Our reports provide an insight into how we approve and monitor programmes throughout the year

COVID-19 advice for students

We have produced a wide range of guidance and FAQs to support students through COVID-19

Employer insight: Supporting transgender employees in the workplace - Top Tips

NHS Lothian (NHSL) developed a number of initiatives to support Transgender employees at work, including Top tips for employees and employers

Preceptorship – supporting registrants, employers and the sector to deliver better healthcare

The consultation on preceptorship sets out our ambition to construct a set of principles that can support registrants, employers and the wider sector in delivering better healthcare by ensuring healthcare professionals are better supported at key points in their careers.

What employers need to know before the updated standards of proficiency come into effect

Learn about the updated standards of proficiency, what is changing, what they will improve and what your responsibilities are as an employer. 

Preceptorship for registrants working outside the NHS, including as sole practitioners

We recognise that many HCPC registrants are employed or work outside the NHS structures, where preceptorship is less well known and may be more difficult to access.

An employer’s perspective: supporting staff to embed the updated standards

In this article, we provide three examples from real-life employers of HCPC registrants who describe how they are supporting their team with embedding the updated standards of proficiency.

Employer hub

Everything you need to support your employees, whether you’re looking for information on the registration process or events to connect with us
