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Our standards form the foundation for how we regulate, explaining what we expect of our registrants and education and training programmes. 

Partner roles

There are a wide range of different partner roles that provide the expertise we need for our decision making processes.

Request confirmation of your registration status

This is also known as a certificate of current professional status (CCPS) or letter of good standing. You may require this if you're applying for a job or registration in a country outside the UK. 

How we can support you

Get access to a number of independent support services, resources and useful contacts to help you through the FTP process

Employer hub

Everything you need to support your employees, whether you’re looking for information on the registration process or events to connect with us

Be visible, engaged and informed

Aim: We regulate, take and communicate decisions which are informed by a deep understanding of the environment within which our registrants, employers and education providers operate

Supervision templates

Our supervision templates provide some examples of how you might want to structure your supervision sessions and the types of conversations you could have.

Student competition

Each year, we run a competition for students who, at the time of entry, are enrolled on an HCPC-approved pre-registration programme.

What is your scope of practice

But how do you determine what your scope of practice is? This page, and the resources within it, will help.

Preceptorship for registrants working outside the NHS, including as sole practitioners

We recognise that many HCPC registrants are employed or work outside the NHS structures, where preceptorship is less well known and may be more difficult to access.

Returning to practice

Information about the process you need to complete if you are returning to practice after a break of more than two years

Share your COVID-19 story

We are eager to highlight the vital work that you and many other health and care colleagues are doing during this unprecedented time

New threshold for paramedic registration

In 2018, we raised the level of qualification for paramedics’ registration. Previously paramedics needed to achieve ‘Equivalent to Certificate of Higher Education’ to become registered. Currently they need to achieve ’Bachelor degree with honours’.
